Champagne Bottle

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Champagne Bottle is he older of two twin incubi. He's the eldest son in the Bottle family, a prestigious dark fey family in Underrealm. He attended a university briefly in the Underrealm before deciding that the noble life lacked lustre and vitality. He told his father that he desired to leave home to pursue a common occupation. After a long fight in which blows were exchanged Champagne left his home in Psuule and left the Underrealm.

He left through a nexus that lead to Terumahilana. A Tsung monk discovered the incubus and decided to educate him in the ways of the Middlerealm. Champagne proved to be a quick study and lived in Terumahilana for a few years before deciding to venture to the other lands. For five more years he explored all of Argovia before settling down in Beau. They tropical island was exactly what he had dreamed up. Its almost complete lack of government and vibrant people captivated his heart. He bought a small house near the Honda Bay and opened up a mercenary business.

One day, as the doors opened, Champagne was pleasantly shocked to see his twin brother and younger sister standing in the doorway. He took them in without hesitation and employed them in his business. "Champagne for Hire" became "Mercenary Bottles."