Diikoi Suzukun

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Diikoi is a half drow who currently works at the Ivory Horn as a server. She enjoys working there, gets along well with her coworkers, and is always eager to please her customers and become a better employee. She is always full of energy, questions, and comments, and her friendly nature allows her to get along with many people. Dii is very loathe to distrust or think poorly of anyone.

She originally hails from the drow city of Isil, near Enchufa in Doma. Her family was highly respected until the incident which caused her mother to become pregnant with a half high elven child--Diikoi herself. When she was born, her family was disgraced and Diikoi earned the personal hatred and disgust of almost all of the drow community, her family included. The only exception to this was her older sister Allie and the dragoon Kage who she was to meet later in life.

At the insistence of her mother, Diikoi spent a short time studying how to become a priestess of Lolth. However, Diikoi was bored and distracted in the school, having no real interest, and was expelled shorly after she joined. At this time, she came to meet Kage, a lower class, ambitious dragoon and necromancer. In exchange for carrying out various errands, Diikoi received something she'd never had before from anyone besides Allie--approval and acceptance of her "fault" of being half high elven. During her time working for Kage, her loyalty to and trust of the necromancer caused her to soon adopt many of his philosophies and ideas about life, the world, and 'inferior races.'

However, on one errand for Kage, Diikoi got lost above ground. She eventually wandered into the capital of Doma, and met up in time with Choark and Kyra, and began learning about the vast intricacies of the people of Doma. Later, these two people helped her get her job at the Ivory Horn. In Doma City, Diikoi has been bombarded with new information, confronted with evidence against 'her' previously held beliefs, and challenged to start forming her own opinions. Having come across Kage himself, once again, and heard the confession from his own mouth that he has abandoned his old philosophies has pretty much shaken up the way she thinks--or didn't think, however you prefer to view it.

Still, it is taking her a while to become her own person. Part of the problem is finally admitting all the cruel things people do, and that they do it willingly. She's still working out the fact that there aren't simple answers as to why these things are done...


  • Howling at the Moon: [thread] | [archives] (non-canon)


  • --
Diikoi Suzukun
( [[User:{{{username}}}|{{{username}}}]] )

[[Image:{{{image}}}|thumb|250px|Diikoi Suzukun]]


name Diikoi Suzukun
nickname(s) Dii
rp world Gaera Main
birthdate 1 Proteara 1241
birthplace Isil, Doma
current residence Ivory Horn, Doma City, Doma
occupation server at the Ivory Horn
family Allie (older sister)
race drow, high elven hybrid
physical description 5'5", 130 lbs; pale blue skin, red eyes, black hair, wavy hair that falls just past her shoulders; meticulous about her appearance
typical clothing wears dresses with full and floor-length skirts, or blouse/skirt combinations in warmer weather; dresses almost exclusively in various shades of purple; often keeps her hair back using a purple headband or bandanna, or in a hair tie; wears an apron while working and often wears a large hat while outside on sunny days
personality enjoys chatting and learning; empathetic and is easily affected by the emotions, concerns, and plights of others; childlike and naive, but learning; likes to think the best of everyone; often understands more than she gives herself credit for, due to self-doubt, second-guessing, and overtrusting others
religious beliefs Since her arrival to Doma, Diikoi has been thoroughly educated about the evils of various drow deities and has, of course, been convinced of it with not a great deal of argument. She has since become moderately more critical about the things she hears, having learned that--what?--not everything people say is necessarily true--maybe they misheard? Living in Doma, she hears a great many stories about gods and goddesses who supposedly show up in bars and turn people into chickens, or somesuch. It's all very confusing. She's not very certain about it all.
drunk type unknown
other As a result of Diikoi's great obsession with bells--she owns an oversized, cast iron and spiked bell which 'Mister Choark' bought her. She knows how to use it, as well. She knows a bit of basic healing, a bit of basic shadow, and can speak Drow fluently; that's it. When fantastically upset, she is capable of some strange feats, but she has no control over this.

Philsys Necessaries

Philsys Box
( [[User:{{{username}}}|{{{username}}}]] )

Level ; XP
Max HP: ; Max MP: ; Max TP:


Courage: +
Wisdom: +
Intuition: +
Charisma: +
Agility: +
Dexterity: +
Strength: +
Stamina: +
Magic Aptitude:

Base AT/PA:
Modified for weapon skill:
Modified for equipment:




no philsys sheet