Tessei Iikaraki

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Tessei Iikaraki was the only son of a proud and prestigious gryphon family, a life which was brought to an abrupt and traumatic end with the fall of Solasia. He watched with bitterness as the war of Solasia was fought and lost.

The griffon was still young at the time of the fall. Over the years, Tessei developed a great hatred towards the dragoons to whom he attributed the fall of his nation; being the non-discriminating sort, this hatred easily spread to humans in general. He lived to later lead an unsuccessful attempt to reclaim the lands that Riva had taken from Solasia during the fall.

The New Solasian Knights, as Tessei's group of primarily young griffons and dragons called themselves, were led by the popular philosophy--with no little encouragement from Iikaraki--that Ryuugami had abandoned dragonkind and Solasia, that they were Rai, and an eye for an eye was the only way to bring back the glory of Solasia.

Gaining momentum to restart the movement will be difficult considering Ryuugami's recent flurry of activity on Gaera. Now, Tessei lives in Doma as a squire under his cousin, Raptre L'Sarithe, a knight of Doma. He is also--very begrudgingly--related to Rykki L'Sarithe by Raptre's adoption of Rykki as sister.

See also: Solasia, Riva, dragoon, Raptre L'Sarithe, Rykki L'Sarithe