Artificial intelligence

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  • Legitimate intelligence and sentience on an artificially-produced, usually computational substrate
  • As distinguished from virtual intelligence
    • Space between VI and AI is vague and ill-defined, often requiring extended research and interaction to distinguish between highly advanced VI and newborn AI (DS9 Novel: The Long Mirage)
  • Federation research into AI generally restricted for similar justifications as for genetic engineering bans
    • Long-standing discomfort originating from artificially intelligent agents during World War III (ENT Novel: Live by the Code)
    • General distaste at creating intelligent beings purely for the sake of creating them
  • Various negative interactions with foreign and malign artificial intelligences throughout 22nd and 23rd century solidified this perception, only waning during the mid-24th century (TNG Novel: Immortal Coil)


  • Early 2330s: The first successful positronic android, B-4, is developed by Doctor Noonien Soong. Later models Lore and Data are also developed over the coming years. (TNG: "Datalore"; Star Trek: Nemesis)
  • 2340s: Artificial intelligence designed for interstellar observation and organization within the Cardassian Union begins development, led by Cren Veruda, leading Cardassian expert on the topic. (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil)
    • Progress interrupted 2347 following Veruda's defection to the Federation, but AI completed 2349 (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil)
    • Disabled by counteragent developed by Veruda that same year (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil)
    • Surviving portion reactivated at Uridi'si 2369, attempted to merge/dominate Borg Collective (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil)
  • February 2366: Artificially intelligent nanite swarm inadvertently evolves as a result of enhancements implemented by Wesley Crusher (TNG: "Evolution")
  • c.2373: The Doctor, the EMH of the USS Voyager, transitions from VI to AI as a result of exposure to stimuli beyond the original scope of the program, including intensive social and interpersonal interactions and self-exploration. (VOY)