Will Jonas Baseton

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Will Baseton
(rp world)
William Jonas Baseton
(Gaera Main)
13/67/17, Draconian Calendar
Dologen, Terra
current residence Unknown (Last official address is in Doma City)
occupation Rune Knight, Royal Prince of Dologen City, Periodic Guest Lecturer on Dimensional Theory at Gunnir Academy, Martial Arts Instructor, Former Acting Commander of the Doman Military - Hyral Front, AEGIS Engineer (retired)
family Gain Baseton (father, NPC, deceased), Valeria Baseton (mother, NPC, deceased), Alexander Richard Baseton (older brother, NPC, deceased), Sizreina Yuo Baseton (older sister; RPer pdRydia), Ryuu Lister Baseton (younger brother, occasional PC), Aria Baseton (daughter, Second Gen PC), Rachael Murasaki-Baseton ("kopii", whereabouts unknown) Aya du Mythril-Domanada (adoptive sister; RPer--ladydragonclawsedw), Ara du Mythril (adoptive sister; RPer--ladydragonclawsedw), Ayra du Mythril (adoptive sister; RPer--ladydragonclawsedw), Lucia Baseton (first wife, NPC, deceased), Jenna Baseton (second wife; RPer--BlazeYamatoSpirit, deceased)
race Ryuujin, specifically a Silver Dragon of the platinum classification
physical description Roughly 6'6", although it can vary from time to time; somewhat thin but athletic build. Shoulder-length flame-red hair with a silver streak running from his bangs all the way down (can be seen either tied up with a bandana or in ponytail form), deep emerald green eyes. Pointed, elven-like ears and a generally handsome face. Usually hidden draconic features include pure silver feathered wings and a smooth tail. His right hand is marked with a blue tattoo shaped like a portal known as the Cosmos Rune, while his left hand contains a red tattoo known as the Chaos Rune. It is currently unknown exactly what these runes are used for.
alternate forms Hybrid Mode: Similar to Will's humanoid form, but with silver scaled, clawed arms and legs curved wrist blades, two long silver horns, fangs. Wings and tail are unable to be hidden in this form.

Quicksilver Mode: An "advanced" version of Hybrid Form, a purely silver, somewhat draconic, yet still generally humanoid form. Capable of human speech and unusual liquid metal techniques. Places considerable strain on Will with extended use. Able to repair wounded body parts by "re-assimilating" the metal into his body, but this process takes time and leaves Will incredibly weakened.

Full Dragon Form, "Shining Noble": A black and silver smooth-scaled dragon with large, silver, feathered wings and two spiked horns. It generally stands on its back legs and can deliver slashing attacks with its clawed arms. Atop each wing, instead of a talon, is a red crystal utilized in the gathering of energy for high-output lightning attacks. Its underbelly and wings are covered in glowing yellow leylines, most specifically when the form is under great stress or while storing large amounts of electric energy.

typical clothing Usually seen wearing a dark green motorcycle-style jacket with a red sun motif on the back and left breast. Beneath the jacket, wears dark blue or red shirts of varying types, and is usually seen wearing deep blue or crimson red pants to match with his shirt. Always seen with his mother's silver pendant around his neck, and a golden bracelet with a large emerald inset on his right arm. Often found either wearing dark brown working boots or white and gray shoes brought over from his homeworld.
personality Will's personality and mood depend almost entirely on his surroundings. While around his close friends, Will is often upbeat, sarcastic, friendly, and a bit of a jokester, albeit he can be harshly opinionated, sometimes to the point of irrationality. Even though this is his natural temperament, however, he can be set off by several factors, such as pranks, personal insults, and stress, and in this situation, becomes easily depressed, introverted, snide, quick to anger, and unrestrained. Will also has a "dark side" that has only been witnessed by several people, including his brother, in which he can become possessed with a murderous rage that is only pacified by knocking him unconscious. This side has not been seen since the end of the Malachian War, however, and it is believed that it has passed entirely. Will has zero tolerance for the misuse of power in any way, shape, or form, especially when pertaining to the military and expansionism. When confronted with situations such as these, he will not hesitate to make his opinions heard. Will also has an intense dislike of "advanced" military technology, and staunchly opposes the development of weapons that eschew the use of magic for more technological means of delivery.
fighting style Sword style: Modified iaijutsu techniques

Hand to hand combat: Art of the Water Dragon (self-modified martial arts form)

religious beliefs Will is very steadfast in his belief in the gods, partially due to the fact that he has been saved from death by the kindness of the gods twice. However, his actions periodically throw him into conflict with the gods, and for the most part he does not worship any one god openly, especially after the fall of his patron god.
drunk type Unknown; virtually never partakes in alcohol and never uses enough to get drunk, due to an allergic reaction to alcohol poisoning. Rumored to be somewhat overly friendly while drunk.
titles Will is the Crown Prince of Dologen on his home planet of Terra, despite having renouned his claim to the throne out of respect for his brothers. His other titles and nicknames include, but are not limited to: Dragonboy, Flamehead, Sparks, The Unflyable One, Mr. Fix-it-but-can't-fly-it, and much to his protest, Willy.
other Will is in fact very intelligent, despite his periodic lapses in judgment and his ability to get carried away. Due to his long-standing experience with space magic and dimensional theory, he has a solid knowledge of portals and how to manipulate them. He is also quite skilled with machinery, most specifically computers and vehicles. However, he has absolutely no skill in piloting or driving any vehicles whatsoever, and it has become somewhat of a running joke on his homeworld that Will can fix most anything, but if he is put behind the wheel, it'll be broken again (usually worse than it was before) within ten minutes. He is also mildly acrophobic due to surviving more than one airship crash on sheer luck alone, and hates having his mind probed, due in no small part to mental torture recieved at the hands of Malachias and later, the Council of Knowledge. He also has a curse, originally placed on him by Malachias but altered several times since, that causes him to invert his gender when a specific trigger is activated. As of current, Will has not publically disclosed the trigger, and has no plans to do so.