Takara Oka

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Takara Oka
Birthplace: Illari Prideland, Ancient Nekonia
Height: 5'2"
Job: Soulbound Servant
Affiliation: Vassal of "The King of the Dead"
Weapon(s): Heavy Sword, Standard Sword, Light Sword
Weapon Name(s): Regal War Blade, Quelling Edge, Splendid Strike
Race: Nekojin Dead
Gender: Male
RPer: Seethe

Known Background:

An obscure Nekonian legend speaks of King Oka the Fool as one of the most powerful warlords of Nekonia at the start of Takama Dell’s campaign to unify the land. This legend, as once recited by Nekonian necromancer Brinala Aldring, goes as follows:

Long ago, the country of Nekonia was not ruled by a single royal family, but was divided between a great number of tribal prides. One pride, called the Illari, had built a town prosperous enough to surround with a stone wall.

At that time, Nekojin males, when reaching a certain age, were often required to either leave their pride or challenge the ruling male for the right to remain. The Illari had long abandoned that tradition, though they still held an annual festival at which the most promising of the young male warriors would duel the king for honor. If the young male were to actually defeat the king in this duel, then the royal title would be conferred to him.

One year, a young warrior named Oka was chosen for this duel. Oka had always been quite ambitious and was always seeking to prove himself. Thus, it was his desire to win the duel no matter what it took.

One day, while pondering on how he would accomplish this, Oka was approached by a large housecat. To Oka’s surprise, the cat stood up on two legs and its tail split in two down the middle.

Then the cat spoke, saying: ‘I am the King of the Dead. If you would serve me, I would grant you victory in the festival duel. But you must remember the debt you owe me, and be not hesitant when I ask you to return this favor, or else great disaster will befall you.’

Oka replied: ‘I should like to accept your offer. Thus, I pledge to you my service and swear not to forget my debt.’

To consolidate this oath, Oka split his own tail down the middle as a sign of his allegiance. The next day, Oka dueled the king at the festival and prevailed, and the crown of Illari was conferred to him. In celebration, a grand hunt was held and many great beasts were killed.

Now the King of the Dead came to Oka and said: ‘You are now king, therefore I ask you to repay the debt you owe. The great hunt you have led has brought you much honor, and now I ask you to honor me by burning the meat in sacrifice.’

But Oka said: ‘The meat from the hunt is of such great value that burning it would surely bring me to ridicule. Surely there must be some other way in which I can repay you.’

The King of the Dead replied: ‘You have broken your promise. But I am patient, and so I will grant you one more chance to repay me.’

Soon Oka decided to take a bride. Searching all around, he found a female who was said to be the most beautiful in all the land. To her he proposed marriage, offering her family the meat from the hunt. She accepted and came to live with Oka as the princess of the Illari.

After the wedding, the King of the Dead came again, saying: ‘To this female you have given what was mine by right. Thus I demand that you give her to me, that she may walk the Halls of the Dead as my bride.’

Oka, angry at this demand, replied: ‘She is my wife and I will not give her to you. Find some other way for my debt to be repaid.’

And spoke the King of the Dead: ‘You have now broken your promise twice. But I am patient, and so I will grant you one more chance.’

It was not long before the season of war came, and the Illari prepared for battle.

The King of the dead came again at this time, saying: ‘It is also the season of war in the Spirit World, and thus I need an army. A living army would be more novel than a dead army, so I require that you grant me all the warriors of your pride.’

But Oka said: ‘If I grant you all of my warriors, then how will I myself give battle?’

So the King of the Dead said: ‘This is the third time you have broken your promise. But I am patient, and so I will grant you one more chance.’

The Illari marched and made war against many armies. The clash of metal and the cries of battle were heard throughout the fields and the forests. The Illari plundered many villages and captured a great quantity of food and drink, a great number of weapons and flags, and many princesses.

The King of the Dead appeared again and said to Oka: ‘You have profited greatly, but without an army I have fallen into poverty. Thus it is only right that you should grant me the plunder you have taken this season.’

Oka replied: ‘If I grant you all of this plunder, then I shall be the one who is impoverished. Thus I ask you to find something else to require of me.’

But the King of the Dead said: ‘Four times you have broken your promise. I will not tolerate this. I warned you that disaster would come should you be hesitant in repaying my favor, and now it will be so.’

So the two-tailed cat departed. At that moment, in ran a desperate-looking messenger.

The messenger bellowed: ‘Takama Dell is marching against us! We will surely be destroyed!’

At this news, Oka gathered his warriors and went to meet Takama Dell. But in the first battle he was routed, in the second battle he was forced to withdraw behind the walls of his town, and in the third his gate was broken through and he was taken prisoner. And at the end, under the executioner’s blade, Oka cursed himself for having failed to fulfill his oath.

Philsys Necessaries

Philsys Box

Takara Oka ( Seethe )
Level 1; 0/1000 XP
Max HP: 70; Max MP: 20; Max TP: 34
Initiative: 6+2d6


Courage: 5
Wisdom: -1
Intuition: 5
Charisma: -2
Agility: 4
Dexterity: 3
Strength: 4
Stamina: 3
Magic Aptitude: 0

Base AT/PA: 18/18
Base MAttack: 4
Base MBlock: 25
Missile Evasion: 23


Regal War Blade (Heavy Sword) (-2/-1)
Light- 15+2*STR+Rank+2d6
Medium- 22+3*STR+Rank+3d6
Heavy- 27+4*STR+Rank+4d6
Final AT/PA: 20/17

Quelling Edge (Standard Sword) (-1/-1)
Light- 13+STR+Rank+1d6
Medium- 17+2*STR+Rank+2d6
Heavy- 20+3*STR+Rank+3d6
Final AT/PA: 19/19
Final AT/PA w/Shield: 19/23

Splendid Strike x2 (Light Sword) (+1/-1)
Light- 6+STR+Rank+1d6
Medium- 8+2*STR+Rank+2d6
Heavy- 10+3*STR+Rank+3d6
Final AT/PA: 21/19
Final AT/PA w/Shield: 21/23
Final AT/PA Dual Wielding: 22/18

Mythril Ritual Shield (0/+4)
AC: 18
Durability: 20
+1 to defense rolls vs. magic

Mythril Lacquered Armor (-1/0)
AC: 20
Durability: 80

Mythril Plate Bracers
AC: 10
Durability: 25

Mythril Antler Helm
AC: 10
Durability: 20


Heavy Swords: 4 [COU/AGI/STR]
Standard Swords: 4 [COU/AGI/STR]
Light Swords: 4 [COU/AGI/STR]
Pit Digging: 3 [STR/STR/STA]
[s]Advanced Parry: 4 [AGI=2]
[s]Missile Evasion: 4 [AGI=2]
[s]Pain Resistance: 4 [INT=3]
[s]Two-Weapon Fighting: 4 [DEX=3]
[s]Chink Detection: 4 [INT=2]
[s]Strategy: 3 [Int=4]
[k]Arms Lore: 3
[k]Foreign Language (Lanese): 3
[k]Human Anatomy: 1


[Light Swords=2]Precise Striking (2 TP) - Uses DEX to determine weapon damage bonuses instead of STR and eliminates all penalties to hit other than those caused by magical debuffs for one round. Heavy attacks are impossible when using Precise Striking.

[Light Swords=4]Dextrous Striking (2 TP) - Adds DEX to AT a second time for one round.

[Light Weapon Skill=4]Lesser Rapid Striking (5 TP) - Allows one additional attack (of any type) this round. The success of this attack is calculated at a -2 penalty to AT.

[Standard Swords=2]Defender's Stance (1 TP) - Adds weapon skill rank to all PA rolls made this round. Even if no parry roll is allowed, half of the users's weapon skill rank is added to his PA for the remainder of the round. This tech cannot be combined with any other offensive tech, and the user forfeits any bonus attacks (but may use them, instead, as bonus parries).

[Standard Weapon Skill=4]Lesser Full Attack (6 TP) - Allows one additional attack (of any type) this round. Success of this attack is calculated at a -2 penalty to AT.

[Heavy Swords=4]Devastating Blow (2 TP) - Used as a heavy attack, but damage is multiplied by 1.5x. If the attack misses, the user loses his one of his parry rolls for the round.

[Heavy Weapon Skill=4]Lesser Follow-through (7 TP) - Allows one additional attack (of any type) this round. Success of this attack is calculated at a -2 penalty to AT.