Gelatinous cube

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Gelatinous Cube

A gelatinous cube is a large, semi-transparent cubical creature made of what appears to be semi-solid slime. They live in dark places, typically underground, and move about slowly feeding on whatever they can find. Much of a gelatinous cube's prey simply walks into the cube as a result of being unable to see it in a dark environment, where its paralyzing acid rapidly digests the foe. Gelatinous cubes are not intelligent and typically are concerned only with eating.

Gelatinous Cube
HP: 100
AT/PA: 16/5
Initiative: 0+2d6
MBlock: 15
Missile Evade: 6
AC: 15
Move Speed: 2 hexes
Slam: 20+2d6 + 2d6 acid, reach 2 yards
Engulf: 30+2d10 (acid damage) per round, reach 0
Special Abilities
  • [Innate]Creature Type Properties - Oozes are mindless creatures that seek only to devour living (and sometimes nonliving) matter. They are immune to all psionics, charm spells, and mind-affecting abilities. Oozes are blind, but can ascertain the location of prey within a short range (about 60 feet) as well as a sighted creature could through various other senses. Oozes lack a clear anatomy. They are immune to critical hits, paralysis, stunning effects, poisoning, disease, and sleep effects. They do not need to breathe and cannot be suffocated or drown.
  • [Innate]Paralyzing Acid - A creature engulfed within the body of a gelatinous cube takes additional acid damage. These digestive juices have a paralyzing effect on living muscles, preventing swallowed creatures from escaping. A STA check vs. TD 15 negates the effect.
  • [Innate]Engulf - An engulfed creature is grappled by the ooze and must win the grapple to escape. See the Philsys rules for more information on resolving grapples.