Kary Dachine

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  • Name: Kary Dachine
  • RPer: UnclePervy
  • Sex: Female
  • Rank: Thundaran
  • Age: 22 years old
  • Height: 5' 7"
  • Weight: 157 lbs.
  • Weapon: Knives, throwing and otherwise.
  • Armor: None
  • Description: Kary is a black-haired woman is an average complexition. She is somewhat pretty, of the sort that seems ever more ravishing which each stiff drink the viewer imbibes. She is about average height, and of fairly decent build. She has curious eyes, lemon yellow in color, a trait from her father's side of the family. Her clothing of choice tends to vary, but tends to involve loose and airy blouses and pataloons, or swirling skirts that are a riot of colors.
  • Bio: Kary is best described as a victim of tradition, as she was the third child of the successful merchant Kali Dachine. As is often tradition with the more faithful of the wealthy families, the third child is given to the temple. Thus it was Kary's lot to leave her loving, if distant, mother and move into the Great Temple of Air. There, she began to receive education in the beliefs and teachers of Laetha, so that she might be molded and shaped into the priestess that the order desired.

    However, they found her to be a rather truculant and rebellious child, one prone to breaking rules and arguing. Hardly able to simply cast her out at such an age, her teachers and elders took it upon themselves to discipline young Kary harshly, using her as an example to help make sure none of the other initiates acted up. Slowly but surely, they managed to wean her from the worst of her temperament, but the order has never been able to fully break Kary. Her rebellion gave way to a more subtle and harder to punish insubordination in the form of slacking off.

    Kary's life in the temple became, and has remained one of mediocrity and punishment. She tries to slack her way through combat training, blending in with groups in order to get away with barely trying. Were it not for the fact that the instructors have learned to watch for her, and that she can't always see when they are watching her, often leads to her being caught and punished with dreary tasks like laundry. As a student, she is decent but often uninterested; in the rare times a subject catches her eye, she often excels to a level that surprises even her closest friends. As a messager within the city, she is known for getting the message delivered on time, then being hours late back to the temple. She serves as a clarinet player in the temple orchestra, where her music is good, but hardly stellar.

    Of late, Kary's instructors have noted she has grown more liekly to follow directions without a fight, and less argumentative. They thank Laetha that she is starting to settle down, and hope to properly mold her yet. The truth is far less heartening for the faith. Kary has begun to sneak out of the temple at night, and takes part in As'nar evening life, living it up and generally having a good time. She has also taken to other forms of thrillseeking, doing things such as breaking into second story homes and hiding the valuables under the couch. Kary has gained a reputation as being sort of a rogue, and has a small following among dillentants and ne'er-do-wells that haunt her favorite places.

    Kary, despite all appearances, has become a rather faithful woman. She believes in Laetha, and feels that the goddess does watch over her and protect her. She also feels that the four orders have grown too rigid and hardbound in their ways, and need to take a more hands-off approach to following the gods. In her heart, she believes that Laetha wants everyone to be as free as she longs to be, and feels the Order of Air contradicts this with its own beaucracy and order. Nor does she really think that the rivalries and near-warfares of the Orders serve any purpose. If anything, they are a sign of things gone too far. She has resolved to extract herself from such as much as possible.