Talk:Dia Rai

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character DIA RAI:

You see a woman of middling height with her brown hair pulled back into a tight ponytail; stubby, ivory-colored horns stick up noticeably this way. Thin wings covered in tiny, dark green scales are--when tucked up behind her back--as tall as the woman herself, and when stretched have a wingspan of just under 8 feet. To those familiar with dragonkind or flight, the wings may seem awfully small and frail.

As if being part dragon were not enough to set oneself apart--and in Doma, it really isn't--Dia's eyes take on a particularly uncommon shade of pale blue and she also seems to be sporting a fine pair of usagijin ears. A stranger might, if paying close attention, pick up a hint of displeasure at those ears. Perhaps.

Dia is dressed in a simple green pants, a simple grey shirt, and a simple dark grey belt. If you have, perhaps, espied Dia on past occassions, you might have noticed that she has worn an outfit similar to this previously, and indeed almost every time you see her. From her simple belt hangs a dagger, a rather large wooden spoon, a money pouch, and a battered pink...thing. It rather looks like a stuffed rabbit toy.

Carrying: Castle Pass(#261Tn)

Drawing the Line

Drawing the Line (A Philsys First Gen RP)

  1. exp from session 1, "Catch-22": 450 base to Dia "Mmmm... Dismemberment..." Rai
  2. exp from session 2, "Persuasion": 100 XP base + 50 XP for bringing in a guest star to Dia "Leading from the Fore" Rai
  3. exp from session 3, "Enemy of my Enemy": 100 XP base + 100 for "Solis Wuz Heer" illusion to Dia


  • MAttack = INT + WIS + MAG + d20
  • MBlock = 10 + INT + 2•COU + d20
  • Missile Eva = 10 + INT + 2•AGI +
  • Modified AT + d20.
  • Modified PA + d20.
  • Stat * 3 + d20